Erk. Hye. Hallooo. Assalamualaikum. Agak bz dan penat ckt sepanjang minggu niyh. banyak benda nk kna settle. so. rabu niyh lax akan ade girlsdayout with my lovely friends. hehe.
Ape yg buat i terpanggil nk tulis blog niyh, tbe2 i teringat kat my EX boyfie. TIBA2 mimpikan dy, Is it means that i miss him ? Ouh. Nooooo. Lets go to the past 8years ago. That time i was just form 3. :)
Maybe tu semua cinta monyet. i prefect yg jaga class dy hari2. dy mmg annoyed gila sb stiap hari dy akan hilangkan mood i dgn msuk barisan lambat (beratur) dan ini menyebabkan i terpaksa tegur kesalahan dy stiap hari ! huh. then lps 2bulan lalui semua tuh, suddenly bestfriend i, bg surat cinta kt i. she said that was from someone. Aawww. u know what ? it was from that annoying guy ! I still remember. haha. he did all of that bcos he like me and his trying to take my attention towards him sb i x penah nak pandang dy kalau dy x buat cmtu. Haha. it was sooo funny !
Act, i mmg suka dy when i was form 2 bcos dy senior i kt dlm psatuan martial arts that i had joint. and his one of the guy yg hensemmmm gila. muka dy ala2 korea gitu. haha. tp malangnya x lama lps tuh dy stop it and i still kept continuing d activities until form 5. RUPA2nya, dy pn da menaruh hati kt i gak masa tuh. haha. he was snap my picture without i know it on that time. after i get couple with him (i gave him 1month trial to suit with me and i ask him to be nice at school exspecially morning and dont break d school rules.haha) then he show me all d pictures. haha. his very good in art ! he had drawing my face and keep it in his room. *this information i got from his classmate. how crazy he is ?
And yeah ! i dont know how to appreciated a love on that time. please remember ! i was form 3 that time okayyy. i never hangout with him. everyday kitorg akan dating kat corridor skola. he will waiting me everyday kt tepi tangga. class ktorg kt tingkat yg sama. eventhought setiap hari dating, setiap hari gak ktorg bbalas surat sb nk ckp depan2 malu an. *ktorg xde hp mase tuh.zaman kuno lagi.x kenal technology. haha. and postwomen ktorg of course la kawan baik i tuh. dy gk myakinkan i yg sbnanya ex bf i tu baik orgnya. dy sgt2la setia orgnya. buka je wallet dy, gmba i okay, haha. sume org tao ituuu. :DD
Okayyy. ape yg menyebabkan ktorg break off ? semua salah i. i pg kenal sorg mamat dri skola lain. mse tu i da form 4, da ade hp. tp dy xde hp lg. so knal pnya knal i couple dgn bdak lg sorg tuh. sb bdak niyh caring gilaa x mcm dy. dy strict orgnya. dy x pandai nak hiburkan i walaupn dy stia stgh mati. huhu.i kantoi dgn dy sb couple baru i tuh skola x jauh dri skola i sooo ad reporter yg x bergaji report kt dy. dy jumpa i then he asked me why i do that ? mse tuh i nekad lpskn dy. his cried infront of me ! after that, dy selalu x dtg skola. he was form 5 that time. i just let him. how cruel am i ? after he just done his spm, i never met him again until now. maybe i just teringatkan dy sb i ternampak fb dy. smpai skg dy x penah ad gf after i. cousin dy gtao i. tp tah laa, nak buat cmne an ?
#kita xtao jodoh kita dengan sape. i selalu berdoa moga jodoh i org yg baik, dpt bimbing i, anak2 i. musim2 org kawen niyh, i pn terasa nk kawen. haha. tp x tao la bila. i nk before 25th. bole x ? hehe. insyallah. Ameeen. ((: